Wednesday, August 17, 2011

And so it begins . . .

And so a new season of life begins, complete with a daily reconsideration of my life's purpose and my re-evaluation of established gender norms in the American family. My two, four, and six year old children can be counted on for perpetually creating opportunities in self-examination and psychological fortitude, be it from stepping on yet another spill on the kitchen floor, turning off lights behind them all day, mediating fights over who gets to use the freaking Care Bears plate, or overcooking the mac and cheese.

To round out the poetic nature of our family dynamic, Super Wife is a collegiate head coach of a highly competitive program. I have a Ph.D. in literature, currently proving to be best applied to the reading of countless classics such as Go Dog. Go!, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and the tear-jerker Love You Forever (gets me every time).

I generally view this blog as a cathartic outlet and means of processing my daily misadventures; generally, I can laugh about them once I hear myself retell it. Feel free to laugh with me.

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