Friday, September 2, 2011

The ever elusive nap time . . .

We are not a "baby wise" house, meaning we don't fit our lives in between immovable nap and meal times. It doesn't work for us like it does for many others-- we're too active to even consider it. So wife and I go with the flow, which fits our personalities and lifestyle far better. The kids have therefore learned to live accordingly, and seem to be as happy as the next gaggle of 2,4, and 6 year olds.

Yet this parenting style means that one must learn to perform certain dances with the clock, food, room temperature, car rides, and sounds to successfully accomplish that all-important afternoon nap. Generally speaking, any car ride after 10:30 is going to get it done, like it or not. Of course a two year old can be kept awake with loud music and obnoxious singing along by the parent, ice cold air conditioning, a sucker or otherwise extraordinary piece of deliciousness, or persistent shaking of the body using the reach-around technique while driving with the left hand.

The problem arises when it gets later than 1:30 or so and the Terrible Two toddler is still rolling with no signs of slowing down. This generally leads to a late crash and burn nap that ends around dinner time and leads to a late night with a perky gremlin.

So on days like this when my little Energizer bunny doesn't give himself a chance to take a glorious nap that every adult wishes they HAD to take every day, I am forced to do the unthinkable-- keep him awake at all costs. This often leads to pitiful images of children sleeping face-first in a plate of spaghetti. I don't care. I think that's beautiful. Target time: 8 pm.  I cannot be defeated.

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